In the Kingdom of God, and therefore the Christian life is not about "who" is right, but "what" is right. No matter who, matter what.
This taught me that I should not focus on the vessel but the oil is not worth the canal, but the source. The Word of God is truth, no matter if the person's mouth right or wrong person, someone who takes the term or not, if uttered by a saint or a lost. No matter, God's Word is the Word of God in the mouth of anyone.
Obviously, to extend the reflection was led to other texts and meditations, but what struck me most was the fact that I find myself with bias depending on who is talking. No matter who, matter what. To me, as to who is speaking the Word only produces its fruit, only gives its results, only brings their inheritance, when carried to term. We must believe, you must meet and abide by putting into practice what we hear and learn the Word, either by mouth is.
It became clear to me that many though, carry a wonderful message, not enjoy the joys that could give this same message. These are people who teach or preach about love, but not love. They speak of mercy but are merciless. They speak of holiness but live in sin. The Word will not save them or change them if not acted upon. But do not cease to be God's word and produce in due time what she has to produce. Otherwise, we will just words thrown.
My dear, the synthesis is that we should fill the Word of God and it overflows in our lives, practicing everything we learn. Uttering the word does not change us. This will only happen if we assimilate either listening or talking.
What matters is what is right, not who is right.
"Father, forgive me for prejudice about people that I judged unworthy of Thy Word. What matters is the message and not the messenger, I want to learn to hear You for Your Word."
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. "(John 17:17)
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